How we run graphics program in devc++

 Hello friends , welcome to our blog. Today i will show you how you can run graphics program.


So firstly you need an IDE( Integrated Development Environment) so for graphics.h library devc++ IDE is best option you can also install codeblock but i will suggest you to install devc++ for graphics program.

Just hit Next, Next ,ok

Now, after installing it go to the TDM-GCC and select 32 bit release

Now download this zip file and extract it (right click on it and then extract all)


you can see all three files

Now copy graphics.h file and go to the path - C:\Program Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\include
and paste it 

paste graphcs.h in include folder

Now copy libbgi.a file and go to the path- C:\Program Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\lib  and paste it.

paste it in lib folder

Now we are on last step open your devc++ and click on tools and then compiler option and after that clear all linker command and paste this command

-static-libgcc -lbgi -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -luuid -loleaut32 -lole32

and press ok


clear linker command 

Paste above command and save it

Now you can run all graphics programs 

Thanks for reading you can follow our blog and subscribe our youtube channel for more programing projects

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